Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Moment That Would Change My Life Forever!!

So me and my bestie were at the mall and we were eating and then all the sudden I looked in the music store and I saw a girl who looked like Hannah Montana and I just thought that it was a little girl who had gotten a Hannah Montana make over so I didnt think anything of it. But then she turned around and I thought it was way to good to be a make over so I turned to Hayley and I was like "yo dude doesnt that look like our idol, Hannah Montana??"

And Hayley was like" Yeah dude it totally does!!"

So we ran like little children running to a candy store and we were yelling " HANNAH!! HANNAH!!"

And we both freaked out tremendously and begged her for a picture!!

This is what we got!!!:

All together it was a great day, beside the fact she didnt move or talk much!!


- Ariel -